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Medical Devices
Decorative Contact Lens Will be Included in the Medical Device Supervision
    Pubtime: 2012-04-23

Since last year, the State Food and Drug Administration(SFDA) have learned from the media the decorative contact lens are rather popular, consumers wear them for embellishment or to change the color of cornea. Due to lack of supervision, this phenomenon has potential risks. Food and drug administration departments of some provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) and related Enterprises also reflected on such issues. The SFDA are highly concerned in this regard, and organized an in-depth investigation.
To protect the safety of public in the use of decorative contact lens, the SFDA reported to the State Commission Office for Public Sector Reform, under the approval of which, decorative contact lens will be included in the contact lens supervision category and regulated as Class III medical devices.
To conduct the supervision on decorative contact lens, the SFDA will soon release an Announcement, upon the release of which manufacturers without medical device registration certificates are not allowed to produce and sell this product. SFDA is also studying the development of specific regulatory measures to carry out overall supervision of the product research, production, operation and application.

(Source: the SFDA website 2012-01-19)

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